American-style residential buildings prevailed in the 1970s. In 1976, the US Congress passed the national industrial housing construction and security bill. In addition to focusing on quality, now the assembly of residential more attention to beauty, comfort and personality. According to the American Industrialized Housing Association statistics, the United States has reached 10 million sets of assembly-style housing in 2001, accounting for 7% of the total US residential. In the United States, Canada, the large urban housing type are based on concrete assembly and steel structure residential building, in small towns are more to light steel structure, wood-based residential system.
the standardization, serialization, specialization, commercialization, socialization of US residential components and parts is very high, almost 100%. Users can buy the required products through the catalog. The structure of these components is good, there is a lot of versatility, but also easy to mechanized production.

The British government is actively guiding the development of assembly buildings. It is clear that the UK's construction industry needs to through the new product development, intensive organization and industrial production to achieve “cost be reduced by 10%, the defect rate by 20%, the accident rate by 20%, the labor productivity improve 10%, and ultimately achieve the output value increase 10%" the specific target. At the same time, the government introduced a series of incentive policies and measures to vigorously promote green energy-saving buildings, to the construction quality, performance, strict requirements to promote the industry to the new construction model change.

The development of British assembly architecture requires close cooperation between government departments and industry associations to improve the technical system and standard system to promote the implementation of assembly-style construction projects. According to the assembly industry's professional skills requirements, the establishment of professional standards and skills system, to promote the formation of the entire industry chain talent team. In addition to focusing on the development, design, production and construction, but also should focus on supporting the supply of materials and logistics, and other industrial chain development.

Germany's assembly-type residential mainly take the laminated plate, concrete, shear wall structure system, the use of component assembly and concrete structure, durability is better. Germany is the building energy consumption reduce the fastest rate country in the world, in recent years, it provides that the develop the zero-energy passive building. From a substantial energy saving to passive construction, Germany has adopted a production of residential to implement, assembly-style residential and energy-saving standards fully integrated with each other.

Japan put forward the concept of assembly-style residential in 1968. It launched the use of parts, industrial production, high production efficiency, residential internal structure is variable, to meet the diverse needs of residents in the high-rise residential production system in 1990. In the process of promoting large-scale and industrial structure adjustment, the housing industry has experienced from the standardization, diversification, industrialization to intensive, information technology evolving and improving the process.

France is one of the earliest countries in the world which carry out the assembly buildings. French assembly building use the frame or plate system, welding, bolting, etc. are used dry operations, structural components and equipment, decoration works separately to reduce the embedded, high quality of production and construction. France is mainly used in the prestressed concrete assembly frame structure system, the assembly rate of up to 80%.

The Canadian assembly construction is similar to the development of the United States, it from the twentieth century , the twentieth century began to explore the development and application of prefabricated concrete, to the twentieth century, the seventies and seventies the technology has been widely used in large areas. The current assembly of buildings in residential buildings, schools, hospitals, office and other public buildings, parking garage, single-storey industrial buildings and other buildings have been the official application. In engineering practice, due to the large number of large-scale pre-stressed prefabricated concrete construction technology, the assembly of the building more fully play its superiority.

Singapore is the world's recognized residential problem-solving countries, the use of residential construction technology to build, in which the residential policy and assembly-style residential development concept is to promote its industrial construction has been widely promoted.

Singapore has developed 15 to 30 layers of modular assembly of residential, accounting for more than 80% of the total number of residential. Through the layout, the size of the parts and the repeat-ability of the installation nodes to achieve standardization and industrialization, matching between each other, the assembly rate of 70%.

Denmark developed a unified standard for industrialization (the Danish Open System approach) in 1960, which stipulates that all government-invested housing construction projects must be designed and constructed in accordance with this approach to build the development into manufacturing industry.

Sweden has adopted a large-scale concrete prefabricated panel assembly technology system, the standardization of assembly building parts components has been gradually incorporated into the Swedish industrial standards. In order to promote the development of the general system and special system for the construction of industrial buildings, the government encourages to use of structural components manufactured in accordance with the building standards of the National Standards Institute, it can get the government support of fund.

China's assembly architecture suddenly stagnated and soon to die in the late eighties of last century, after PC technology silence for more than 30 years, it re-emergent in our country, this is an encouraging and worth looking forward to the event. after the interruption period of 30 years, whether it is technology or personnel are very scarce, within a short period of time can not fundamentally solve the personnel, technology, management, engineering experience and other software issues. From the market share, China's assembly-building market is still in its infancy, the country is basically concentrated in the field of residential industrialization, especially affordable housing area, pr-investment scale is very small, and it can not compete with the traditional cast-in-place market in short-term .

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