BRD Third Quarter Start-Up
Yesterday, the third quarter start-up was due. The weather of July was hotter than that in June, but BRD staff strode to their big goal with even higher spirit.
On the start-up, Manager Zhu addressed, “time and tide waits for nobody, one half of the year has passed, we have achieved a lot in the past half years, and we will go on in the last half year. Someone said employees on the first line concerns about the money, middle management about the management, high-level about the dream. In the later half year, I want to say that each staff has the chance to dream. Everyone should see it in the long term, each dream in BRD can come true”.
Award time
Hou Jianfeng, Huabei district manager
Award: 55 inches LCTV
Liu Shuailing: southwest district manager
100,000 RMB, champion of second quarter the year(April to June)
Excellent employees in departments receiving the awards
Successful windup is the step to new stairs. We have invincible team and never give-up spirit, the horn is blown, with dauntless colleagues, BRD’s future will be more splendid.
More information, you can visit our website.